Personal Injury
Protection from Harm
If you have been harmed through negligence, gross negligence, reckless conduct, or intentional misconduct, you may be entitled to damages and some form of relief from medical bills, pain and suffering, and diminished quality of life.
- Automobile Accidents
- Medical Malpractice
- Slip and Fall
- Defamation of Character
- Injuries by Defective Products
- Wrongful Death
Additional Information:
Some A, B, C’s of Personal Injury Law
(frequently used terms and some of their common definitions)
A – assumption of risk – knowingly placing oneself in a situation which a reasonable person would understand might expose himself or herself to potential harm or danger
B – burden of proof – a duty, imposed by law on one party, to persuade a judge or jury of the merits of his or her position on an issue
C – contributory negligence – negligence on the part of an injured person which in part contributed to that person’s own injuries
D – default – a finding of legal responsibility against a person because of his or her failure to timely respond to a claim or allegation
E – eyewitness – a witness who has actual knowledge of an incident because he or she was present when it occurred
F – forseeability – the likelihood that a given result could have been anticipated by a reasonably intelligent and aware observer
G – governmental immunity – the concept that governments can only be sued under limited circumstances codified by legal statute
H – hearsay – an out of court statement offered in court to prove a particular proposition
I – independent witness – a witness who has no personal or pecuniary stake in the interests of either party to a case in litigation
J – joint and several – applicable to each of two or more parties individually or to the group of them collectively
L – liability – actual or potential responsibility for some legal obligation
M – mistrial – a trial which has been terminated without a judgment or settlement of claims having been reached, often resulting in the need to hold another trial on the same issues
N – negligence – the breach of the duty to adhere to a standard of care which is deemed reasonable under the prevailing circumstances
O – offer – a proposal to settle a claim or dispute, often incorporating some compromise by each of the parties involved
P – permanent injury – an injury which, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, is not likely to be completely healed or resolved during the victim’s lifetime
Q – quadriperesis – weakness of all four limbs
R – release – a document, signed by the victim of an injury or loss, in which the signer permanently surrenders his or her right to pursue his or her legal remedies
S – statute of limitations – a provision of law which sets a time limit as to how long a person claiming a legal right to certain relief has to file a lawsuit to vindicate that legal right
T – tort – a wrongful, or inherently dangerous act, either willfully or negligently committed, resulting in some harm or loss to another
U – uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage – insurance policy provisions which provide a source of compensation to the victim of an automobile accident who is damaged or injured by a driver who is uninsured or whose insurance policy limits are inadequate to cover the victim’s losses
V – vicarious liability – liability of one person for the willful or negligent acts of another based on the relationship between the two
W – with prejudice – termination of a legal claim by a judge or magistrate with the specific condition that the claim can never be raised again